Friday, August 17, 2012

Whats New With Klout & Why Justin Bieber Hates It!

Have you checked your KLOUT score lately?  This week, the influence-measurement site launched major changes to its platform.  The updates are all reflected in a new algorithm determining the almighty Klout score.  The new scores factor in more data points (now 12 million compared to the previous 1 million) and include your influence on Twitter, Google+, Foursquare, Facebook, LinkedIn, Klout (through +K's received) and, for the first time ever, real-world influence through Wikipedia. 
This Wikipedia element is what some celebrities are finding to be a Klout katastrophe!  Justin Bieber, previously the only person with a perfect 100 Klout Score, watched his score decrease by almost 10 points.  Why?  Bieber has such a huge and cult-like following on Twitter that his score was puffed up beyond his true influence.  Now that Wikipedia is factored into the mix, his score has been humbled to a more realistic (yet still quite impressive) number.  Sorry Biebs, but you are still doing pretty well!

Next step for Klout looks to be a News-Feed like stream they call "Moments".  Keep a look out for that and be sure to check in with me here at Social Media Diva to find out the latest once it goes public!

Has your Klout score changed?  What do you think of the updates?

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