Thursday, October 11, 2012

My name is Social Media Diva, and I approve this message.
Ahh, the telltale sign of election season used to be just all those ads on TV!  But this is being called the Social Media Election which means that campaigns now have a huge presence in social media so there's really no getting away from them!  It's going to be interesting to see just how effective these social media campaigns are, and which candidate is doing it better.
I love this new interactive infographic from Unruly. It's the exclusive measurement tool for tracking the 2012 Presidential race's social media video sharing activity. In a fun and engaging way, the display shows the number of shares each candidates' video content receives across blogs, Twitter and Facebook.
Not only is it interesting to see the number of shares (which are updated twice a day until election day) but the site also shows the most shared videos for each campaign. Some are funny, some are serious, some are not so nice.  But with over 10 million shares, it seems to me that social media will make a difference in who becomes our next President.
Check it out here.

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